Imperfectly Pollyanna

Where is God in the Confusion?

Episode Notes

It's the start to SEASON THREE!! Woohoo! Fun things are ahead this season so get comfy and let's grow together, okay?

I wanted to talk about something today that I think everyone can relate to. Where is God in the confusion?

I don’t know about you, but with current events happening, I have found myself more anxious than not. Frankly, I know WHY and that’s because I’ve gotten in the awful habit of getting sucked into the posts on social media. You know the kind…

Covid posts.

Delta Variant.

New Variants.

To vaccinate or not.

To mask or not. Mandate it all or not.

Then there’s the arguments over if we can trust the CDC. Trust Science. Who’s science do we trust? 

I got into a heated discussion this week with someone who insisted I was NOT a "frontline worker" because I don't work in the ER and that I have the audacity to put my family before anyone else. gasp

I believe that we, as a nation, are just exhausted. Being able to find the balance of making the best choice, standing up for things that are against the constitution, leading our children, protecting our loved ones, fighting injustices, navigating a constant changing environment and in the middle of all that….finding the good in it all? Now that’s almost laughable.

And yes, I said ALMOST.

So where is God is all this MESS?! 

Where is God in the confusion? Would He want us to get a vaccination, refuse one, mask up, refuse to, be part of a certain political party, or another one, believe science or not? What would He want us to do? What DOES He want us to do?

Talking about Peter, drowning in waves, crying out in fear, and yet knowing what to do in the end...makes the answer for us so very simple. And I like simplicity in life, don't you?

What if…WHAT. IF. The things we are experiencing today. The storms we are going through. What if they are happening not because God is not in control but in order to show His power? In the middle of the current storm we are in, anxiety flares when we succumb to the waves of social media, news outlets, and feed into other’s fears. We lose our sight on the One who holds the ultimate power.

The thing is, He’s not gonna calm the world just because He can. 

I am hoping this podcast finds those needing encouragement or community. The way a show gets found is by word of mouth. If you know of someone who may find help in this episode, I would love if you shared it with them. You can also help spread the word by heading to my Facebook or Instagram pages and interacting there with comments or sharing. I hope you’ll continue to show up as we “find the good” together. Remember, you are loved and I am SO glad you are here. See you next time!