Imperfectly Pollyanna

What Are You Being a Witness Of?

Episode Notes

Friends, I have something that may shock you……the world will and does hate us because of Him. That is something that will not change. If anything, it will get worse. We are not called to Him in order to have an easier life. We are not called to follow Him in order to be blessed beyond measure. A life following Jesus does not guarantee anything other than eternity with Him in Heaven. Until then, we have the opportunity, and responsibility, to walk a path that is full of blessings AND heartache.

What if we are not eloquent speakers, we don’t know every single verse of the scripture along with all the ins and outs of history? Can’t He just send someone else?

It is not about us but about who HE is. It’s not about us being eloquent, but doing our part to trust Him, trust is plan, and step out in faith to reach the lost in love. 

He is who He says He is and He is doing great things. When it comes down it, He knows the big picture and will see it to completion whether we are brave enough to take part in it or not. Look back at Moses. God told Moses, “Go.” And Moses said “but what about….” And had excuses as to why He couldn’t do what He was called to do. God had a plan. God was coming for His children to redeem them. He was going to follow through with that whether Moses said yes or not, so He gave Moses the words, the tools, the help He needed. 

It is easy to get wrapped up into the world and what’s going on. We can find ourselves wrapped into social media and scrolling for hours, getting our heart rates up reading posts and comments with arguments of strangers.

What if we spent that same amount of time reading the words that have and will change lives?! As a pastor’s kid, I grew up in the church, heard the bible stories, knew the “answers,” and loved Jesus. I have always loved Jesus. I’ve seen the miracles. I’ve encountered the demon-possessed. I’ve also questioned God. I’ve questioned His love for me. I’ve been angry because it seemed as though He had forgotten me. As though He had abandoned me. I failed Him. Time and again. I’ve cried out and asked God to just take it all away. Take away the pain. The discouragement. The confusion.

When we find ourselves at the crossroads…and sometimes there are several - because life is not just one straight path – we have choices. We can depend on ourselves…after all, isn’t that one of the trending thing now-a-days? Not needing anyone and only depending on yourself to get to the top and get things done. There’s this moment, though, when God allows opportunities for us to make the decision to turn one way or turn towards Him. And oh how He wants us to choose Him. He has the answers. He has the desire to pull us out of slavery. To pull us into His arms and provide, guide, protect, and more than anything, love us. 

This world is full of people in love with the dark. Because that’s all they’ve ever known and don’t know any other way to be. Yet, God created them. He knew where they would be in this moment. He has always known we would be in this place, at this time. 

We are all HOT MESSES just like the Israelites. This world is full of those who make the wrong decisions, do horrific things, and it may seem that evil is prevailing.


Just as he called Moses to go and be a witness to Pharoah so that His people may be set free.

Just as he called the Israelites out of slavery so they may be witness to His power.

Just as he called the disciples to follow Him, despite their back story.

He still calls us today. He calls us to be witnesses. To spread the message of hope. The message of forgiveness. Redemption. Healing.

He is not asking us to just go do it. Like I said earlier, it is not about us, but about who He is. It is not for His sake, but for ours, that He sent His son to show God’s power and love on earth.

Does this mean we go out on social media and argue with every single person who says anything against Christianity or God? Does it mean we shout it out that the world is sinning and they need to turn from their wicked ways while pointing out all the ways they are in the wrong?

I’m not sure shouting has ever done anything for getting a point across unless you’re at a music concert and need to talk to someone or are cheering on the performance.

What I am sure about is this:

Now is NOT the time for us to be weak or silent.

Now is NOT the time for us to waver in our trust in Him.

The same God who sent Moses, provided for Him, plagued the Egyptians, delivered the Israelites… 

The same God who called each disciple to follow Him and spread the good news.

That same God calls us today to step out in faith, trust Him, be His witnesses, and reach the lost. We need to be strong, take courage, and dig deep into Him.

We won’t know how to do that if we are going off what we learned about God as a child. We NEED to spend time with Him in order to know Him on a deeper level. 

You wouldn’t call someone a best friend that you only spoke to on holidays and weekends. You wouldn’t be able to have a strong marriage if you only talked about yourself or chatted when you felt like it.

God has called us by name. He is the same yesterday – as in the Old Testament, the New Testament, when we were young, and even last year. He is the same today. He is the same forever. His love never falters. His desire for all to know Him is still happening today.

What are we doing to help that come to fruition? Are we talking to him on a daily basis? More than a prayer before bed or before we lose it on our kids? 

Are we wringing our hands in worry about the evils of the world? Focusing on the latest news stories? Drowning ourselves in fear?


Are we stepping out in faith and speaking up, loving people enough to bring them to know the Lord and have a relationship with Him? Inviting them to follow Him? Leading our children in a way that allows them to truly know God, gain their own relationship with Him, and not allow the world to determine the path they walk on?

Are we being His witnesses? 

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