Imperfectly Pollyanna

Are You Brave Enough to Fight?

Episode Notes

When reading over social media posts, I’ve noted a common thing…parents being unhappy with the things their children are having to travel through…whether it be in the current school system or exposures to current events or hot topics. The fact is, our children are confused because the world is confused! They respond based on natural instinct as well as how we have taught them by example and what they are exposed to.

We cannot send our children to Caesar and be surprised when they return as romans! If you are convicted, bothered, upset, stressed, or whatever over what is going on with your children, then stop complaining and bemoaning about it and take action! We can pray all day, and God hears us. However, sometimes I think when we pray, we already know the answer yet think God is silent. We pray for our children’s protection when it comes to helping them learn new skills like riding a bike, swimming, or even as they head off to college. We would never intentionally put them in harms way yet we cry out to God for help when it comes to other challenges. Why do we, as parents or even as individuals, feel powerless when it comes to making decisions for our kids? Are we afraid of messing them up? Are we afraid they will hate us, need therapy as adults, or lose them forever? 

While you can learn all the things you may want, or even not want, to know on the internet, there still hasn’t been a rock solid, fool-proof parenting book. I don’t care how great the author is, if they are human, they are imperfect.

So are we. We are imperfect parents, wading our way through each season of life with kids and – do I dare say I’m not the only one who feels both terrified and excited as another one approaches? It’s normal to feel like you’re failing as a parent. Shoot, I’ve felt I’ve failed as a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a woman, and especially as a Christian.

There is a balance in sheltering your child and controlling what they are exposed to or what they’re involved in. 

We can’t get away from the world progressing and evolving. The world isn’t going to just suddenly get better. We won’t be able to go back to the “good ol’ days.” 

But we also cannot….at least I cannot…just lay down and let the world raise our children. They were put in our care for a reason. We were gifted them to raise. We make mistakes and we need to own them when that happens.

The world would like you to believe that you have no idea what you’re doing. The world tells our kids that we don’t understand them, we will hate them if they are confused about who they are. It wants to cause division, fear, all the things that are NOT from God but then it paints this beautiful picture to show “look at us, we are the ones who love you.” It offers immediate satisfaction of our sinful nature. 

We can royally screw up as parents. Our kids can (and will) royally screw up as well. Yet we are all still loved and can be forgiven.

Just because we make mistakes as parents doesn’t excuse us for not doing what we have been called to do. It doesn’t change the fact that we don’t get to just lie down and take it as the world rips our children out of our arms, devouring them like hungry lions. 

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and stand up to the world. Don’t be afraid to have your kid hate you for yanking them out of school and choosing to homeschool. Don’t be afraid to have the difficult talks. Love your children enough to go down fighting for their souls. 

I’m not telling you to yell and speak truth in anger. That, my friend, will get you nowhere. 

Love. Real love. Is the answer. 

Be brave. Do the uncomfortable. Challenge yourself to grow as a parent. There is nothing surprising to God and He has led you to this point and will not abandon you now. When you dive deeper into your relationship with Him, peace and wisdom will come. You can do this. 

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